Communication is possibly everything. My very own sensibilities are emergence of intrapersonal communication, between different organ-groups, between cells, and molecules. The universe is composed of me because I am composed of the universe. Therefore, by drawing boundaries I live, love, and distinguish. I name-see for the sole purpose of separation, yet the very separation allows unity to occur as a process. Left and right, less or more, light or dark, yes and no, one and many. Things must exist in abjectivities. But thread those opposites together and objects begin to move meaningfully. Causality is observed but not maintained. We made, making it, and thus is a Story.
Movies don't move. They are terribly static things. But by seeing, they move, have meaning, have causality, communicate. Pixels and photons have no meaning while names and bubbles do. I am a bubble. Bubbles that wrap to our convenience. Bubbles that blur and have no real nature. But they do have meaning, and that's that.